‘The task is, not so much to see what no one has seen yet: but to think what nobody has thought yet, about that which everybody sees.’
Arthur Shopenahuer
In a contemporary society that often ascribes success to material wealth, individuals may easily become entrapped in a ceaseless cycle of stress and anxiety, relentlessly pursuing targets while losing sight of the authentic treasures that life has to offer. Consequently, upon reaching the zenith of material affluence, a prevailing sense of emptiness may pervade one's inner being, illuminating the possibility of having overlooked the genuine essence of love and friendship. However, such a trajectory is not immutable.
While acknowledging the significance of material security, it is essential not to relegate interpersonal relationships and experiences to a subordinate position. The essence of our pursuits transcends the mere accumulation of wealth, for it lies in the yearning for love, warmth, and companionship. Hence, an emphasis on spiritual values, encompassing self-improvement, self-contentment, love, and friendship, assumes a pivotal role in shaping our identity and being.
A holistic approach to existence demands the harmonization of three interrelated dimensions: the physical, intellectual, and spiritual realms. True felicity emanates from the seamless integration of these facets. Indeed, numerous eminent minds have prematurely ceased their journeys, bearing witness to the perils of imbalance within these domains. Thus, through the discerning selection of values, an opportunity emerges to reconcile these aspects and embrace a life of fulfilment.
Dr. Nash Jocic talks about Freedom
Freedom, as I perceive it, constitutes the prerogative to make autonomous choices. Yet, realizing autonomy is an difficult odyssey, installed within the intricate web of cultural, linguistic, religious, and national identities that often overshadow our inherent autonomy. Extricating ourselves from these intricate layers to attain the pure breath of autonomy mandates immense effort and courage. Consequently, I subscribe to the inseparability of autonomy and freedom as entwined tenets.
Dr. Nash Jocic talks about the Meaning of Life
The contemplation of life's meaning emerges as a profound inquiry. Inescapably intertwined within a world of coexistence with others, we continuously exert influence and are likewise influenced by the myriad presences around us. Embracing the notion that there exists no essential demarcation between 'self' and 'other,' infuses existence with profound significance and instils life with profound meaning.