‘Once upon a time, in some out of the way corner of that universe which is dispersed into numberless twinkling solar systems, there was a star upon which clever beasts invented thinking.’
Friedrich Nietzsche
Dr. Nash Jocic
We in Philosophymatters are committed to championing the discipline of philosophy and enlightening the general public on its practical implications in our everyday lives. This is achieved through a range of activities, including philosophical consultations, public talks, philosophical counselling, and robust engagement on our digital platforms, including our website and social media channels. We are particularly interested in dispelling the prevalent misconception that philosophy is a purely an exercise in theoretical speculation or mere contemplative life, devoid of practical relevance.
Consider the laws we all abide by, predicated on the basic notions of good and evil, and right and wrong. Ponder who ultimately determines these fundamental values? Deities, perhaps? Reflect on your personal identity: is the newborn of many years ago the same as the fully matured you of today? Will the elderly individual you will be in your eighties, for whom you are presently securing future, still be you, despite the physical, intellectual and spiritual transformations? Would you prefer the bonds of friendship to material wealth? Is it right to constantly attribute personal failures to others? Is there a specific purpose to your life? Who determines your moral values: a divine entity or a human one? someone else? And what about beauty - how do you define it?
These are but a few of the practical dilemmas we confront daily, the answers to which are embedded in philosophy. Failing to address these questions can precipitate numerous issues, including frustration, aggression, envy, depression, and social discord. While science is instrumental in demystifying the physical world, philosophy is essential for decoding the mysteries of our existence. Hence, we pose the question: who needs philosophy? The unequivocal answer is: You do.
Your generous donations will help us expand further and become more successful at promoting philosophy to the general public.